Tuesday, August 5, 2008

beautiful broken english

So Helio has been very active doing his handiwork around the house. I am delighted that he is actually getting things done. However, I must monitor at all times from a distance. This is tricky. Tonight he came home with a new shower rod. He put a decent shower type assembly into our upstairs bathroom. I was totally floored that he didn't opt for the cheap version of a shower rod (he must have not seen them at Home Depot). It looks not too bad. The best part is I won't have to shower in the basement this winter when it is freezing cold. He plans to finally dig up the basement floor and run new plumbing so he can actually finally finish up the second bathroom that we so desperately need, thus the need for a functioning shower upstairs.

Last week, he finally figured out what was wrong with our stereo system and rerouted/rearranged our speakers. He was trapped behind our TV when he asked me to go to the garage and get his silicon. I asked for what of course as I was trying to feed Dante and watch Levi through the front window to ensure he didn't wander out of the neighbor's yard and into direct contact with the light rail. He wanted to silicon one of the speakers to the wall behind the TV. Of course, he was not allowed. Silicon has become his answer to everything. He has siliconed the following: the picnic table, a decorative plaque to the exterior of our house, the bathroom sink, the kitchen sink, and has informed me of his intension to now silicon the tilework in the "new" shower upstairs.

Tonight after he finished with the bathroom- or what he considers finished, I will have to go back in and clean up all the displaced soap, shampoo and hair products, he started explaining further plans for our 5' x 5' bathroom. He said he wanted to build a shelf into the wall. I have learned to not panic and just listen. Of course, I will find roadblocks to put infront of him before he can start blowing into our wall. He must have noticed my disapproval because in his broken English he started defending himself by saying, "not too dick, not too dick" To which I burst out laughing and said, Helio, the term is "not too deep, there is a huge difference".

Its not fun holding up a shower rod while you have to instruct your husband to actually measure so that the rod is level and placed at the same distance from the neigboring wall on both sides. But it is fun to make fun of him for his misuse of the word dick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am laughing - HARD!