Saturday, August 9, 2008


I have finally put my running shoes on and gone out with my ipod on the path that I used to travel with pride- that is, during my running days and minus 20 extra pounds. I have to remind myself that the people around me do not really care about me or the extra poundage swinging side to side as I try to take off the weight. Today was my second day out. My legs are heavy. It feels much harder to run this time than any other time I have taken it back up again. As I was running back home tonight I thought, you know this might be a lot easier if you just bought a nice leotard and wore that under your clothes until the weight comes off. Then I realized, that extra body mass has to spill out somewhere and I would end up with extra ripples up under my armpits. I think that would be even less attractive. For now, I will keep trying to run and not allow myself to repeat over while I run- I hate this or This Sucks or Why is this so fricken hard? It will get better. However, Helio is NOT allowed to make comments. Today as I was complaining that I didn't want to go while lacing up my shoes, he started to tell me, Well, babe, I like it when you have a good body and when you run. I did not speak for I was biting the inside of my cheek thinking, Dude, you can't run down the street without giving up, you don't even try. I just had a baby 10 weeks ago, he should know better than to comment on my body or lack of firmness. I pray my bod can be returned to its previous state.

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