Thursday, March 12, 2009

gonna run away with the singer

Download Kings Of Leon - Knocked Up

throat and nose

Levi is having hit tonsils and adenoids removed tomorrow and I fear that I may become an ogre towards Helio for it. In times of crisis or possible tension Helio falls into himself and goes away to never-never land. In other words, he is sort of like the walking dead- zombie like. This is one of those reasons why I tend to spend much of my time googling my friends via my blackberry when something big is going on. It’s a habit I have learned. I like feedback. I also like for someone to be able to handle my outbursts that illustrate minor moments of fear and anxiety. Eventually, I come around and I know that things will be fine. However, it is the way I mentally process- first everything is falling apart and we are all gonna die, then within 5 minutes or so, I have rationalized things for myself, taken a deep breath, and move on.

I would like to be able to vocalize my fears with someone. It would be great if Helio could be that sounding board. Instead, during the procedure tomorrow he will drill me about if this is the best thing to do, what are the bad things that could happen, and if we were in Mexico, how everyone would be nicer about it not to mention the cost of the whole deal. This would be reason #2 I shut down with him. I don’t want the questions and I don’t want to worry about all of those other things.

Maybe I need to give him a set of rules tonight. I think setting the stage of allowable material during the 40 minute procedure might save me some wasted energy at shooting him evilness with my eyes.

An All Time Fav

Download Morgan Page - The Longest Road

Sunday, February 22, 2009

st. jude

the patron saint of Lost Causes, need I say more?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

the basement

La Virgin- please help my husband to figure out how to pull his head out of his ass and finish the basement. I have become more angry, more threatening, more unpleasant. I can not handle his Mexican craftsmanship and failure to complete a task.

I have been waiting since last April for this small project to come to an end. I have tried every angle I can think of. I have collected about 5 different phone numbers of people who could either come help or take over the project, I have had my father come for days to narrate what needs to be done, I have for nearly 12 months looked for activities each weekend to keep the boys out of the house.

With your wisdom and your kind understanding, please kick his ass and cause him to feel shame in his total lack of motivation. This blessed union depends on it.

Your Catholic patron when necessary- mcm