Thursday, August 7, 2008

work, I want better

I'm stir crazy. I can't stop looking for a new job. This usually doesn't happen to me until the dead of winter but I keep surfing for websites that will showcase a new fabulous new life I always mention I want. I found these couple firms the other day and by 9pm was sitting at my laptop, tears streaming down my cheeks, thinking- what happened to me? Do I have the talent to even apply. See this: or (the employee profiles on dupoux design is what finally brought on the tears, all of them appear so interesting) Instead, I work here I don't know if it was wishful thinking or even if I feel settled where I am but I always had bigger ideas for myself. A week or so ago, I had to turn down a job offer in Santa Barbara, there just wasn't enough money offered to pack up the family and start over but I can't help thinking it over and over- I could have gotten out of here. I have to say though, I am so attached to my friends, family, even the industry I work in. It would be lonely for a while but it would be so fun to start over in a way. I can't help but feel it is extremely selfish of me to want to move though. The boys deserve their million cousins and my parents would absolutely shrivel up and die (especially since I am their sole surviving child now) Maybe some opportunity will show up here in Minneapolis and when the boys are older, we take on a higher profile, great design firm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get it. I feel lucky that I've found my next thing. I wish you all the luck I can muster and if I can help you in any way - I will. It's tough as we aren't in the same biz. Hugs - you are such a talented and funny woman. You're the best no matter what you're doing!