Tuesday, November 18, 2008

12.22.06 Day 4, Mexico Trip 1

We nearly lost Helio AGAIN today due to a series of poor choices. We spent nearly 4 hours washing clothes today in the wash basin and realized we needed more cable to hang the clothes to dry on. So, as Levi played with the stroller and I continued to pound the clothes on the washboard, Helio located some extra metal cable. He also found a metal ladder. He found a good location to attach the cable to and put the ladder up. Because he had been washing clothes, his feet were wet. What he did not realize when he put the ladder up is that he put it against another cable that had an electrical current running through it. He stepped onto the ladder and couldn’t let go. The whole time I was standing right next to him and didn’t have any idea what was going on. Finally the current threw him from the ladder and he landed on the ground. Seriously, the man needs a lesson in electricity and it’s flow. -Yet another close one.

We drove into Cuatla yesterday to have dinner with his dad and his dad’s girlfriend. Talk about needing to be flexible. I am so super glad that I wasn’t there with anyone from work bc I would have totally busted a gut laughing at the whole scenario. On our way there, we had to drive through the city, and bc I am rested was able to pay attention to my surroundings. I actually saw a guy with his hatchback open to his car, full display of keys and a machine to cut them. I turned to Helio and asked, “is he seriously cutting keys out of the back of his car?” Helio’s response, “Well, like I told you honey, you can set up business anywhere you want here” Wow- Our dinner included getting out of the truck, watching the girlfriend hide, then nervously put dinner together for us, she wouldn’t eat. They brought out a small plastic table and nestled it between Antonio’s car and Helio’s truck. Then they shooed away Capitan throughout the meal. His left side was painted this crazy purple something to keep him from eating his open sore. That was very appetizing. We ate dinner out next to the chickens, roosters, and a myriad of birds. I had a hard time putting it down but did my best not to be rude. I think they liked me by the time we left. I tried to take photos, but everything was very socially awkward. I looked very strange in my sparkly shirt, earrings, and high heels. I think the shoe shining kit I bought Antonio for Christmas- not such a good idea, he doesn’t wear shoes.

There are these little crosses that people make and put on their doors and windows. Helio said that it is a Catholic thing that they believe that one day of the year (of course, he doesn’t know which one) God lets go of the Devil and he is free to roam around. Therefore, one must put these little crosses on their doors and windows to prevent him from entering. Cute-

Helio and Levi finally have surround sound at our place. They are now really into watching movies- especially the new Ice Age movie. Very much like father, like son. I have to constantly yell- “very loud” I get them to turn it down for a moment but somehow it always gets louder.

Because I can’t get Levi to stand in a cold stream of water- I have decided it is best to put him in the 5 gallon bucket. I wait until it is warm outside and put him in the sun. I was able to wash his hair and get him very soapy that way. Thank goodness he is still little. See photos.

Today (Saturday) we will be going to a number of parties, we first will go to a party for Rafa’s Uncle- some sort of baptism. I wonder if they will hold it out by the laundry basin. Then we go to La Posada of Galileo. Galileo is a friend of Helio’s that I have heard about for years. La Posada is where people walk house to house and sing for candy. Kind of like Halloween- but I refuse to sing and I don’t really want any candy. I will do my best to be a good sport.

I got way too much sun yesterday and stand out even more now. I have to tell ya though, the attention is so nice. Yesterday when I left the Internet CafĂ© the lady who I have come to know on a small level, said “Gracias Bonita” -that will make me come back again. Seriously, I am so easy.

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