Tuesday, November 18, 2008

12.25.06 Day 7, Mexico Trip 1

Christmas did pass under the radar this year but I think it is exactly what I needed. I think Helio needed the same. The more I am here the more we talk, and get real about things. That is really good. We had a long talk on the way back from Cuatla last night. We went there in the evening looking for something to do. We really just laid around all day yesterday. I am totally getting into this Mexican lifestyle. When I am home and away from him I feel so desperate and that this is never going to work. When I am here I still understand those feelings but realize honestly, nobody knows me better than him. I forget to give him credit for that. It is amazing sometimes. He can tell me how I would react to something before it even happens and then when it happens, that is exactly how I react. He is a smart man. Mom’s advice to me about how he doesn’t want to own anything down here because he wants to leave at a moment’s notice is so true and has helped me tremendously. He talked about that last night. He has told me over and over again how he doesn’t want to live here and that he just wants to be with his son, his family, and sleep in his own bed. I get it now. I brought our old cordless phone down with me, hopefully this will help him talk to us. Currently, he has to sit in the room with his dad and dad’s girlfriend and has no privacy. Now, he can go sit outside by the roosters if he wants.

Helio bought us a hammock yesterday on the way to Elis’s house. That is Alan’s wife. I finally met her and my nephew Juan. Juan looks totally like Alan. He was very kind to Levi and followed him everywhere. I could see a little fondness in his eyes when he would look at Levi. I think they have all talked about him. Juan doesn’t say much but he is so well behaved and has such a sweet manner. I think he is going to be tall like Alan. I feel awful that I didn’t have a present for him. Helio told me over and over not to bring him one and said that we would bring him to the Zoo when we go. I think the little kid needs so good American toys from his American Aunt. As we left, we walked down to the yard where he keeps his Chivos (sheep) so that he could show Levi. They were gone; I think someone took them to eat somewhere (maybe tacos?) or something. Juan proceeded to show him his gallinas (female roosters) Levi had no fear. He was right in the coop with Juan and held the rooster. All I could think of is BIRD FLU. I did my best not to panic and let Levi have his moment with his cousin. Levi was so proud when he held the gallina all by himself. He loved it and I think Juan was impressed that his little gringo cousin liked his gallinas. Juan gave him a lasso to play with as we walked back to the car. His dad had to tear it from his hands; he didn’t want to give it back. I demanded that Helio wash his hands before we left, I just can’t have all those rooster germs all over. I kept thinking, that is a brand new shirt and you are putting rooster moogre (schmutz) all over it. I will do some washing, and then lay in my new hammock. I am so excited about that hammock.

I think we are going to Cuernavaca today. We have spent enough time in the small town. I think it is now time for us to run around and see some sights. However, we are trying so hard not to spend money. You need to spend money when you are away from home and we don’t have any.

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