Tuesday, November 18, 2008

12.27.06 Day 9, Mexico Trip 1

We stayed at the hotel at Atontonilco so that Levi could swim and then take a nap without leaving the grounds. Really- I just wanted a hot shower. So we paid $90 for a hotel room that had a double bed for the three of us, a bathroom that reeked of that nasty blue thing that you hang in the toilet that makes the water blue and disinfects, really the whole room smelt like that, a cute little balcony, a swimming park for two days, and three meals for two.

The first meal- holy smokes, see pictures, lunch was the following: a coptel de huevos (egg cocktail), the bottom of the glass was filled with iceberg lettuce hearts and on top was a quartered boiled egg and some sort of salsa/ketchup goo. Delish- Then, the main course- cabbage soup, and what they called spaghetti, I didn’t even attempt the spaghetti, it was a white something sprinkled with dried cilantro and shaved white cheese. Dinner was a little better, tostadas de tinga. I ate one. Breakfast was papaya (which I have already established, I refuse to eat) cecina and tortillas, perfect, I got a few bites out of that. However, when I sent Helio for coffee he came back with Sanka. I took a drink from the hotel bed and nearly had to spit it on the floor. The Mexicans don’t understand coffee. The first thing I am going to do when I get back to work is walk across the street and get the biggest latte I have ever had in my life. I am dying for a good cup of coffee. I haven’t had one in over a week. Maybe when we go to Acapulco next week they will have a Starbucks, you would think I would be able to find one down here but have not had such luck.

Another thing the Mexicans don’t have- paper. Nobody writes. Because we were at the hotel I didn’t have my laptop and while Levi was taking a nap I wanted to write a few things down. He came back with a 2” x 5” piece of cardboard he ripped off from a toilet paper box. So, the biggest complaint I have had about hotels back home is all the paperwork all over the dresser and desk. Not to worry in Mexico- they don’t have that sort of thing here, not even a pen to take a note down on your palm.

If you are going to play Mexican for a month, you must get used to salt and lime. Mexicans put it on everything, maybe they do that to kill the bacteria that is in the food they leave just sitting out on the counter all day. I like salt and lime but I find that by the end of the day, my hands are totally swollen. Helio has made me totally paranoid that someone is going to try to steal my ring off my hand while I am down here, I don’t think that is possible as my hands are so swollen.

There were a bunch of little open market stands near the swimming grounds that I tried to find another swim suit at. I was looking for something with a smaller top so I could sun myself more + they were only like $12/pc. I had to ask Helio to come with me to try one on. This lady led me to the back of her store to a little closet. The closet had a shower curtain strung up with a rope and a plastic crate to stand on I guess if you were short and couldn’t make it up to the mirror (it wasn’t full length) She then proceeded to open the curtain and give me more options, when I had no clothes on. Maybe she wanted to just see a gringa without her shirt on or something but she offered a little too much service for my taste.

The words for comb, peine, and for penis, pene, are very similar, use caution when asking for a comb and especially if you ask- “Do you have a comb I could use?” That phrase right there can raise a few eyebrows. When I was in the shower at the hotel, I asked Helio that very question. The shower was right along the main corridor for people to walk to their rooms and there were two cut outs in the wall to the exterior- I assume for ventilation. I am sure that sounded interesting to the passersby.

Ok, off to wash a bunch of clothes- again. I am so ready for my washing machine and fabric softener. My big fluffy sweatshirts are not so fluffy when you have to hang them in the sun to dry.

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